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About Us:

In 1997, the New York State Department of Education implemented the New York State Learning Standards. A group of K-12 educators, working within the Office of Public Service and Urban Affairs at the University at Buffalo, recognized the value in giving teachers the ability to search and access these new standards. As a result, our team began working on the development of an online, standards-based system: NYLearns.

Today we continue to assist educators in understanding and applying a standards-based approach to curriculum and instruction. At NYLearns, instructional materials and resources are organized and delivered to teachers in ways that make the learning standards both meaningful and manageable.

As a result, district leaders and teachers are empowered by our system. During times of significant educational change, the district leaders and classroom teachers have easy access to critical information and web-based tools that offer valuable support to further enhance their effectiveness as teachers and administrators.

About PLS 3rd Learning:

The NYLearns project is powered and supported by PLS 3rd Learning - an innovative organization dedicated to improving teaching and learning in K-12 schools both nationally and internationally. Our unique blend of educators, software developers, and web and instructional designers are dedicated to our organization’s core mission in education. To learn more about our team’s various initiatives and projects, please visit PLS3rdLearning.com.

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My ePortfolio

Store all your digital files, media, and resources by uploading them into your personal electronic filing cabinet.

My Website

Build your own professional classroom website and empower parents and students with access to important information.

My Curriculum

View your district curriculum and build your own customized maps.

Publish your best!

Become an instructional leader by creating and publishing your best work in NYLearns.

Featured Content

New instructional content and educational resources are featured every week to our community of users.

Assessment Builder

Produce customized assessments using questions from past New York State exams.

My Communities

Communicate and collaborate with colleagues in learning communities that are school-based, district-wide, or open to others across NYS.


Organize day-to-day instruction while integrating with the district's curricula.

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